Corporate Social Responsibility (Csr )

Yayasan Warisan Ummah Ikhlas

Warisan Ummah Ikhlas Foundation (WUIF) was incorporated under the Trustee (Incorporation) Act 1952 on 31 July 2013, equivalent to 24 Ramadhan 1434H. It brings the spirit of the Nuzul Quran, so that the Qur'an is read, understood and practiced. The Quran provides management tips and all sorts of answers to whoever is willing to learn. If we have the Quran in our hearts, we can become people with big hearts and strong characters who can lead organizations towards success. With this in mind, WUIF’s main objective is to make free Quranic classes easily available to the public through the #AktifkanRumahNgaji campaign.

Yayasan Nur-Karangkraf

The Nur-Karangkraf Foundation is a non-governmental organization that was set up with the intention of providing hope to single mothers who are raising their families independently. Our activities also aim to advocate for the rights of single mothers and to raise the public’s awareness on the importance of raising better families for our nation’s future. In carrying out this community responsibility, we too hope to alleviate the burden faced by these single mothers.

Biasiswa Karangkraf

Biasiswa Karangkraf is an education fund set up in 2004 to assist SPM, STPM and Diploma students who wish to pursue their higher education. The program started by offering scholarships to staff members to continue with their education at SEGI University. Realizing the need and demand for the public to get free, high quality education, the program was then extended to not only staff members and their families but also our readers. Today, the scholarship program is open to the public with options to study at SEGI, Universiti Tun Abdul Raza (UNIRAZAK), UNITAR, UNISEL, KUIS, UNITEN, Ranaco, Instedt and KLMUC / Cosmopint in various fields. To date, 538 students have graduated from this program and counting.